Why Clients Choose us


We help to create strategies, and brand designs; develop & manage businesses. As an innovation driven enterprise, there are no limits to what projects we can undertake. However, our core business specialization remains business innovations, branding, enterprise development, digital media strategies and technology solutions; we apply our expertise to both the public and private sector, providing end-to-end solutions and services. We use our vast experiences to provide our customers with the best possible services.

Our ability to provide premium services is only the beginning of our capabilities. Providing quality services begin with paying full attention to details, deploying experience and closing out with dedication. Our team have accumulated over 10 years’ experience from working on varieties of business innovations, branding, enterprise development, digital media strategies and technology projects. It is this experience, along with our attention to details and dedication to providing our clients with the best quality services possible, that makes Planetharry Solutions unique.

Planetharry Solutions have a proven track record of providing solutions that are designed to bring ease, reduce cost and improve efficiency in our clients’ overall business processes. We have been successful in providing services notable for meeting clients’ business and operational needs through our unique consultative model. The model is simple: All our clients are peculiar, so we analyze and treat each one uniquely. Through this model, we review clients’ current challenges and proffer the solutions or services that best suits them.


Available Services

There are no limits to what projects we can undertake. However, our core  business specialization remains business innovations, branding, enterprise  development, digital media strategies and technology solutions; we apply our  expertise to both the public and private sector, providing end-to-end solutions  and services. We use our past experiences to provide our customers with the  best possible services. 

Business Innovations

Innovation is inevitable for any business that wants to continually grow. Hence it is pertinent to find ways of introducing new ideas, workflow, processes, services or products to improve. “Doing the same things same ways won't get you a different result”. Business innovation is meant to improve a business existing processes, services, or products. It could also be to solve a brand identity problem or reach new customers.

Digital Media Strategies

Every business needs a digital media strategy, and not for the reasons many people may expect. In fact, against the popular assumptions out there, digital strategies are not just promotional. A lot of small businesses have a limited marketing budget yet their products and services are competing with national and international brands with deep pockets and very large marketing resources, wonder how? In this digital era, smaller businesses are taking advantage of digital media strategies to market their business efficiently. However, a lot of businesses are going into digital marketing without planning, and fail just as soon as they start. This is where we come in, to provide a well-crafted strategy to enable you to get the basics right early on, stay on it and grow from there.

Enterprise Development

Development is enhancing an existing potential or asset through processes of learning and application. Enterprise development encompasses multiple factors including improving the skill set as well as the knowledge of the entrepreneur. It is also the process of enhancing the capacity to develop, manage and organize a business venture to become consistent, sustainable and profitable.

Feasibility Studies

Naturally, investors would want to obtain comprehensive data on the possible obstacles related to completing a business project before committing substantial resources to it. Planetharry Solutions have experience serving in this role. We can quickly and efficiently identify primary and secondary “hot spots”, and then prepare a Feasibility Report for the client. This kind of report usually contains a list of all the technical, logistical, and managerial problems associated with the proposed project. Also, it provides preliminary estimates for cost and time.


Establishing a significant and differentiated presence in the marketplace that attracts and retains loyal customers – this is branding. It is what businesses require to break through the crowd and grabs the attention of their target customers. But this is not all there is to branding; and in the words of Brian Collins, “Branding isn't about a logo or graphics or interface or products or services or advertising or design. Branding is, in the end, about two things:
1. What you believe
2. How you believe and how closely those are aligned and integrated”.
We help you arrive at these two things.

Project Management

Clients often require additional consulting and managerial support to supplement their in-house development efforts. Planetharry is uniquely qualified to provide this vital support. The professionals at Planetharry Solutions have worked on countless efforts, and as a result, are well equipped to quickly anticipate and address problem areas on a given project. Planetharry Solutions can serve as troubleshooters or, if need be, assume management of an entire project.

Software Development & Testing

Quality development requires sharp people with a well-thought-out plan. We allow our developers to modularize their development process. This results in the rapid implementation of systems that can easily be tested and expanded for future versions. Our technical staff are highly qualified with years of software development experience.

Recruiting Services

Finding the right person for a challenging staff position can be quite difficult. Standard placement services often provide overwhelming lists of “candidates,” however many of the resumes provided to the client firms are seldom worth reviewing. This is because most of the placement firms are not technical or enterprise people, they do not understand the realities on the ground; therefore, cannot properly filter the resumes for the hiring managers. Planetharry solves this problem for managers by taking a low volume, high-quality approach. With our combined background, we can serve as a front-end filter for managers who do not want to spend their time reviewing every resume.



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